Waiting for Warmth
Spring in Eastern Ontario has taken its time in coming – the frost sank deep into the soil this past winter. We waited a long time for the days and nights to be consistently warm – so that the soil temperature could support new growth. It is much the same with our inner environments, many of us spend decades chilling our hearts with critical self-talk. In order for fundamental change to take root within ourselves, we need to warm up our hearts with a gentle acceptance of ourselves. No, we are not perfect, but that is what inspires creativity and variety in life.
One of the first steps in being kind to ourselves, is remembering how we speak to our own best friends. We are thoughtful, we want the best for them, we consider carefully before speaking potentially hurtful things. Consider forming an intention to treat your Inner Self as your best friend. She’s known you all her life, she moves when you do, she doesn’t walk away when the going gets tough. Who better than that for a best friend?
So forming this intention to be your own best friend, say to yourself:
May I be happy
May I be healthy
May I live in peace
May I live in safety
May I live with ease